Hirschi Steele & Baer, PLLC - 136 E. South Temple, Suite 1650, Salt Lake City, UT 84111

How to Handle Hydroplaning and Driving in the Rain

Hydroplaning is a condition in which a car skims across the top of a body of water, causing the driver to momentarily lose control. Hydroplaning generally happens either during rainy conditions or immediately following a downpour. Though most drivers may not be familiar with the term, almost everyone who has driven in rainy conditions has experienced the loss of control due to hydroplaning. Here we present a video which will help you learn what to do in the case that you hydroplane in your car.

Driving in rain is obviously always hazardous, as the water from the rain, mixed with the oil and dirt from the road, create slippery conditions. Additionally, rain tends to limit visibility, meaning that both your ability to see other drivers and their abilities to see you, are diminished. We recommend that Salt Lake City drivers continue to educate themselves on how to best handle adverse weather conditions, in an effort to continually improve your abilities to handle such situations.

If you, or someone you know, have been injured in a serious auto accident in Utah related to severe weather, please call the at Hirschi Steele & Baer, PLLC at 801-990-0500 or contact us online today. We have the experience and expertise needed to help you get the compensation you deserve.