Hirschi Steele & Baer, PLLC - 136 E. South Temple, Suite 1650, Salt Lake City, UT 84111

Family Wins $1.3 Million for Wrongful Death

Following a seven day trial a Salt Lake City jury awarded $1.3 million for the wrongful death of a woman who was killed in a car crash and her family claimed the crash was due to bad road design and improper removal of snow.

The law suit was filed in 2012 and stated that 40 year old Diane Berg had tried to enter Interstate 215 in January 2011, but the merge lane was too short and her car went over the overpass, landed on its roof and she died.

Her lawyer said that the authorities had had three days to clear snowfall which had piled up, leading to a type of ramp which launched her car over the guard rail.

The state however, said that Berg could have braked and the jury reduced the award to $750,000 stating that she did bear some responsibility for the crash but that more blame did lie with the state transport authorities.

If you, or someone you know, have been injured in a serious accident, please call the attorneys at Hirschi Steele & Baer, PLLC at 801-990-0500 or contact us online today. We have the experience and expertise needed to help you get the compensation you deserve.