When driving on the roads of Salt Lake City, motorists have the duty and responsibility to think about others with whom they share the roads. Best driving practices involve not only avoiding distractions, but also being alert in order to respond to changing road conditions. Here we will take a look at some of the most prevalent causes of car accidents in Salt Lake City, and what can be done to mitigate the hazards.
This past winter practically the entire country experienced difficult weather conditions. Snow, sleet, rain, and high wind are all weather conditions which can cause a heightened probability of car accident for Salt Lake City drivers. Remember, when you take to the roads in difficult weather conditions, reduce your speed and increase your vigilance.
Rubber-necking is the term used to describe the phenomenon of drivers attempting to see an event which has occurred outside their cars as they ride by. The most common cause of rubber-necking is drivers attempting to see the aftermath of a car accident. This kind of distracted driving can actually lead to additional auto accidents, as the rubber-necking drivers themselves increase their own likelihood of being in a crash. Though it can be tempting to slow down and look at the fiery remnants of a car accident, remember that having seen that scene will not add anything positive to your day. Stay alert and continue to pay attention to the road.
Driver Fatigue
When a driver is behind the wheel, they should always be alert and attentive. But a drowsy driver is less likely to be able to focus on the road than they should be. In recent months and years drowsy drivers have been blamed for a large number of fatal car crashes, and have even been implicated in at least one train derailment. If you find that you are seriously drowsy when behind the wheel, it is best that you find an alternative to continuing to drive.
Road construction issues
In certain areas, the way the roads are constructed leads to unnecessary hazards which can cause car accidents which may have otherwise been avoided. Because drivers are not always be aware of such hazards, it is important that maximum caution is always exercised, no matter where your journey may take you.
When driving, there are many conditions you can control and some that you can’t. The best advice is to always be alert and ready to respond to any occurrence, as this will give you the best chance of handling anything which may happen on the roads. If you have been the victim of a serious automobile accident call the attorneys at Hirschi Steele & Baer, PLLC at 801-990-0500 or contact us online now!