Hirschi Steele & Baer, PLLC - 136 E. South Temple, Suite 1650, Salt Lake City, UT 84111

Rollover Accident Kills Husband and Wife

A weekend accident in Bountiful has left a husband and wife dead.

According to Air Force Officials the couple died in a rollover off road accident in Bountiful on Saturday. They were identified as 34 year old Staff Sergeant Derek Ramos from Hill Air Force Base and his wife Emily Ramos. They both died at the scene of the crash which was a dirt road embankment near Skyline Drive. Their two children survived the accident with only minor injuries and are being cared for by family members.

Staff Sgt. Ramos, who was originally from Seattle, was a pharmacy technician with the 75th Medical Group. The 75th Air Base Wing Commander offered his condolences to the Ramos’ children, their family and friends.

Funeral services are pending and the accident remains under investigation by the Davis County Sheriff’s Department.

If you, or someone you know, have been injured in a serious accident,  please call the at Hirschi Steele & Baer, PLLC at 801-990-0500 or contact us online today. We have the experience and expertise needed to help you get the compensation you deserve.