Hirschi Steele & Baer, PLLC - 136 E. South Temple, Suite 1650, Salt Lake City, UT 84111

New study says alcohol is a major killer

Excessive Drinking Death

The CDC has recently released a new study which shows that the United States is spending around $224 billion a year on alcohol related deaths, which is made up of the cost to the health care system, the criminal justice system and lost productivity.

What is more, one in 10 working age Americans die each year due to alcohol.

Alcohol contributes to these deaths in two different ways. Firstly there are those who are determined to be excessive drinkers, which is defined as drinking one or more drinks a day for women and two or more a day for men. For many people, alcohol is a part of their daily lives and they do not realize that such small amounts can lead to alcohol related diseases including cancer, heart disease, liver disease and high blood pressure.

The second way that alcohol causes death is due to binge drinking which is having more than four or five drinks in a single session. This can not only cause accidents, in a motor vehicle, or a fall or drowning, but also alcohol poisoning, risky sexual activity, and violent behavior.

Alcohol is a major contributing factor in hundreds of fatal auto accidents every year. If you, or someone you know, have been injured in a serious auto accident involving a drunken driver,  please call the at Hirschi Steele & Baer, PLLC at 801-990-0500 or contact us online today. We have the experience and expertise needed to help you get the compensation you deserve.

High Numbers of Teens Still Texting While Driving

Teenagers in the United States have always engaged in risky and questionable behavior. But while traditional teen behavior has been a live-and-learn type of affair, the proliferation of instant communication – namely texting devices – has made certain behavior among this age group increasingly dangerous over the past several years. The United States government, through the oversight of the Centers for Disease Control, has conducted its most recent biannual study of worrisome behavior in America.

The study found that while many forms of risky behavior have been on the decrease in recent years, texting while driving has been increasing steadily. The study found that teens interestingly are increasingly engaging in favorable habits such as wearing bicycle helmets and seat belts but are texting while behind the wheel at an ever-increasing rate.

A spokesperson for the CDC indicated that in a general sense, behavior among teens is much healthier than it was 20 years ago. Still, the study, which anonymously surveyed 13,000 high school students across the United States, indicated that 41 percent had texted or emailed while driving during the previous month. The highest number of students texting while driving were found in South Dakota (61%) while the lowest number (32%) was in Massachusetts.

If you, or someone you know, have been injured in a serious auto accident with a distracted driver in Utah, please call the at Hirschi Steele & Baer, PLLC at 801-990-0500 or contact us online today. We have the experience and expertise needed to help you get the compensation you deserve.

Biomechanics and Your Auto Accident Case

Biomechanics is a science which studies the temporal and spatial responses of various biologic solids and fluids. Researchers in this area of science are interested in determining how the human body responds to internal and external forces, especially as it relates to human injuries. Biomechanical engineers use all available evidence, primarily focusing on the human body itself, to reverse engineer a theory of the most likely scenario to have caused a particular injury to the human body.

An injury causation analysis is used by biomechanical engineers to effectively rule out certain claimed causes of a particular injury. The engineers use such factors as fracture patterns and biologic responses to help determine whether or not witness testimony is supported by the physical evidence encountered in the case.

When investigating major automobile accidents, for example, the best attorneys employ expert witnesses in order to help establish the facts of the case. This is one of the reasons that any Salt Lake City resident who is injured in a major automobile accident is best to work with and experienced attorney. With today’s rapidly advancing technology, an inexperienced attorney may find himself or herself if up against a well prepared defense. If the attorney is not ready to overwhelmingly prove the case, complications can certainly result. If you, or someone you know, have been injured in a serious auto accident in Utah, please call the at Hirschi Steele & Baer, PLLC at 801-990-0500 or contact us online today. We have the experience and expertise needed to help you get the compensation you deserve.

Police Believe Drowsiness a Factor in Fatal Salt Lake City Crash

Police believe that drowsiness could be a factor in a recent accident which are left a Salt Lake City man fatally injured.

According the Utah Highway Patrol, 34 year-old Abraham Majok apparently fell asleep at the wheel as he traveled westbound on I-80. His automobile struck a light pole, causing a serious injury to Majok’s head. The accident went unnoticed for some time before police were finally alerted. Police say that Majok was wearing a seatbelt at the time of the accident.

Majok’s tragic death is yet another reminder to Salt Lake City drivers to avoid driving while drowsy. Many studies have concluded that driving while drowsy could be just as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you feel yourself becoming drowsy as you drive, it is best to seek the nearest rest stop or another place where you can safely pull over.

If you, or someone you know, have been injured in a serious auto accident in Utah, please call the Salt Lake City truck accident attorneys of Hirschi Steele & Baer, PLLC at 801-990-0500  or contact us online today. We look forward to providing you with a free initial consultation and getting started helping you and your family recover the compensation you need and deserve for your injuries.

Skateboarder Struck and Killed in Salt Lake City Intersection

A skateboarder was recently killed in Salt Lake City after being hit by a truck in an intersection.

At about 2:00 PM on April 11 a skateboarder was struck by a truck at the intersection of 1300 East and Yale Avenue.  Apparently the boy had been traveling westbound on Yale as the truck traveled north on 1300 East.  According to witnesses at the scene the boy was crossing in a crosswalk area, but it is not immediately clear if he had activated the intersection’s lights which signal to drivers that a pedestrian is in the crosswalk.

The boy died from his injuries at the scene.  There has been no word about charges against the driver of the truck.

This sad situation reminds us all to take the utmost care when driving on Salt Lake City roads.  Though it is not immediately clear what caused this tragic accident, statistics to show that drivers who drive at reduced speeds and avoid engaging and distracting activities while driving are far more likely to avoid these kinds of accidents.

If you have been injured in a truck accident in Utah, please call the Salt Lake City truck accident attorneys of Hirschi Steele & Baer, PLLC or contact us online today. We look forward to scheduling your free initial consultation and getting started helping you and your family recover the compensation you need and deserve for your injuries.

Four Hazards Affecting Salt Lake City Drivers

When driving on the roads of Salt Lake City, motorists have the duty and responsibility to think about others with whom they share the roads.  Best driving practices involve not only avoiding distractions, but also being alert in order to respond to changing road conditions.  Here we will take a look at some of the most prevalent causes of car accidents in Salt Lake City, and what can be done to mitigate the hazards.


This past winter practically the entire country experienced difficult weather conditions.  Snow, sleet, rain, and high wind are all weather conditions which can cause a heightened probability of car accident for Salt Lake City drivers.  Remember, when you take to the roads in difficult weather conditions, reduce your speed and increase your vigilance.


Rubber-necking is the term used to describe the phenomenon of drivers attempting to see an event which has occurred outside their cars as they ride by. The most common cause of rubber-necking is drivers attempting to see the aftermath of a car accident.  This kind of distracted driving can actually lead to additional auto accidents, as the rubber-necking drivers themselves increase their own likelihood of being in a crash. Though it can be tempting to slow down and look at the fiery remnants of a car accident, remember that having seen that scene will not add anything positive to your day. Stay alert and continue to pay attention to the road.

Driver Fatigue

When a driver is behind the wheel, they should always be alert and attentive.  But a drowsy driver is less likely to be able to focus on the road than they should be.  In recent months and years drowsy drivers have been blamed for a large number of fatal car crashes, and have even been implicated in at least one train derailment.  If you find that you are seriously drowsy when behind the wheel, it is best that you find an alternative to continuing to drive.

Road construction issues

In certain areas, the way the roads are constructed leads to unnecessary hazards which can cause car accidents which may have otherwise been avoided.  Because drivers are not always be aware of such hazards, it is important that maximum caution is always exercised, no matter where your journey may take you.

When driving, there are many conditions you can control and some that you can’t. The best advice is to always be alert and ready to respond to any occurrence, as this will give you the best chance of handling anything which may happen on the roads.  If you have been the victim of a serious automobile accident call the attorneys at Hirschi Steele & Baer, PLLC at 801-990-0500 or contact us online now!

Salt Lake City Hit-and-Run Driver Gets 88 Days in Jail

Salt Lake City Hit-and-Run Driver Gets 88 Days in Jail

A Utah woman has been sentenced to 88 days in jail as a result of fleeing the scene of a deadly accident involving a child.

The 21 year-old woman was accused of accidentally crashing into a stroller on June 10, 2013, when the mother of the child was crossing a poorly lit street outside of the designated crosswalk area.  The two year-old child who was in the stroller at the time was thrown from the stroller and later died of his injuries.  The driver fled the scene, but was later found when the family members of her ex-boyfriend reported her to police.

The driver was sentenced Monday after pleading guilty to a felony count of causing an accident involving property damage.  But, she was spared the more serious charge of hit-and-run causing death.  The driver, who was sentenced to 88 days in jail, will be credited for 58 days that she has already served.

This tragic case certainly reminds parents to be vigilant when crossing the streets with your children. Always use the designated crosswalk areas.  If you have been the victim of a serious automobile accident call the attorneys at Hirschi Steele & Baer, PLLC at 801-990-0500 or contact us online now!